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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - news


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~ n 1 information about something that has happened recently  (That's great news! | Sit down and tell me all your news.) + about/of  (There hasn't been any news of him since he left home.) + tha  (Our delegates returned with the news that negotiations had broken down.) good/bad news  (You're looking upset - not bad news, I hope? | hear news (=receive news))  (Have you heard any news from Emily yet? | piece of news)  (Your brother's just told me an interesting piece of news. | have news for)  (I've some good news for you - they've signed the contract. | I've got news for you (=some bad news))  (You may think you've fooled him, but I've got news for you - he's wise to your little trick. | break the news to (=tell someone some bad news))  (I don't know how to break the news to her.) 2 reports of recent events in the newspapers or on the radio or television + of/abou  (News is coming in of a major explosion at the World Trade Centre. | We'll bring you more news about the election at 11 o'clock. | news that)  (Several evening papers carried the news that a cabinet minister was about to resign. | latest news)  (the latest news from the Olympic stadium | local/national etc news)  (a programme bringing you national and international news | make the news (=be considered important enough to be in the news))  (Twenty years ago environmental issues rarely made the news. | be in the news)  (I see Michael Jackson's in the news again. | be front page news (=be interesting enough to be on the front page of a newspaper))  (Wallace's resignation was front page news. | news story/report)  (Wilks had been paid by journalists to simply invent bogus news stories.) 3 the news a regular television or radio programme that gives you reports of recent events  (on the news)  (It must be true - I heard it on the news last night.) 4 be good/bad news for if the facts about something are good or bad news for someone, they are likely to make life better or worse for them  (House prices are very low at the moment, which is good news for first-time buyers.) 5 he's/she's bad news informal used to say that someone is likely to cause trouble  (Stay away from that guy, he's bad news.) 6 that's news to me! spoken used when you are surprised or annoyed because you have not been told something earlier  (So, the meeting's been cancelled? Well that's news to me!) 7 no news is good news spoken used when you have not received any news about someone and you hope this means that nothing bad has happened
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. News is information about a recently changed situation or a recent event. We waited and waited for news of him... They still haven’t had any news about when they’ll be able to go home... I wish I had better news for you... He’s thrilled to bits at the news. N-UNCOUNT: oft N prep 2. News is information that is published in newspapers and broadcast on radio and television about recent events in the country or world or in a particular area of activity. Foreign News is on Page 16... We’ll also have the latest sports news... The announcement was made at a news conference... Those are some of the top stories in the news. N-UNCOUNT: also the N 3. The news is a television or radio broadcast which consists of information about recent events in the country or the world. I heard all about the bombs on the news. ...the six o’clock news. N-SING: the N 4. If you say that someone or something is news, you mean that they are considered to be interesting and important at the moment, and that people want to hear about them on the radio and television and in newspapers. (INFORMAL) A murder was big news... If you are a celebrity, you are headline news. N-UNCOUNT: usu supp N 5. If you say that something is bad news, you mean that it will cause you trouble or problems. If you say that something is good news, you mean that it will be useful or helpful to you. The drop in travel is bad news for the airline industry... This new attitude is good news to AIDS activists. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR, usu PHR for/to n 6. If you say that something is news to you, you mean that you did not previously know what you have just been told, especially when you are surprised or annoyed about it. I’d certainly tell you if I knew anything, but I don’t. What you’re saying is news to me. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) 1 information about important or interesting recent events, esp. when published or broadcast. 2 (prec. by the) a broadcast report of news. 3 newly received or noteworthy information. 4 (foll. by to) colloq. information not previously known (to a person) (that's news to me). Phrases and idioms news agency an organization that collects and distributes news items. news bulletin a collection of items of news, esp. for broadcasting. news conference a press conference. news-gatherer n. a person who researches news items esp. for broadcast or publication. news-gathering this process. news room a room in a newspaper or broadcasting office where news is processed. news-sheet a simple form of newspaper; a newsletter. news-stand a stall for the sale of newspapers. news-vendor a newspaper-seller. Derivatives newsless adj. Etymology: ME, pl. of NEW after OF noveles or med.L nova neut. pl. of novus new ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) новости, известия 2) газетная бумага - on-call news ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  известие - news briefs ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сообщения; новости – awareness news ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. новость, новости; известие, весть, сообщение what's the news? —- что нового? here is an interesting piece of news —- вот интересная новость to break the news to smb. —- (осторожно) сообщить кому-л. тяжелую весть I've had no news from him for a long time —- я давно не получал от него никаких известий that's news to me —- это для меня новость, первый раз это слышу I want to hear all your news —- расскажите, что у вас нового (что вы поделывали) I was shocked at (by) the news —- я был потрясен этой новостью it may be news to many of our readers that... —- возможно далеко не все наши читатели знают, что... 2. сообщение (печати, радио) latest news —- последние известия current news —- текущие события foreign news —- сообщения из-за границы (из-за рубежа) home news —- сообщения о событиях внутри страны (газетная рубрика) stop-press news —- "в последний час" (газетная рубрика), только что поступившие сообщения 3. хроника, обзор текущих событий news bureau (service) —- телеграфное агентство news analyst —- (политический) комментатор (радио и т. п.) news blackout —- запрещение передачи и опубликования информации news coverage —- освещение (чего-л.) в печати; сообщения корреспондентов news flash —- короткое экстренное сообщение (в газете, по радио) news gatherer, —- разг. news hack (digger-upper) сл. репортер news house —- газетная...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  film кинохроника NEWS release сообщение для печати; NEWS agency телеграфное агентство NEWS noun; pl. as sg.  1) новость, новости, известие; what is the news? - что нового? that is no news - это уже всем известно; нашли чем удивить  2) известия, сообщения печати, радио и т.п. - latest news - foreign news  3) attr. - news release - news film bad news travels quickly, ill news flies fast prov. - худые вести не лежат на месте no news (is) good news prov. - отсутствие вестей - (само по себе) неплохая весть to be in the news - попасть на страницы газет; оказаться в центре внимания Syn: data, facts, information, intelligence Ant: conjecture, opinion NEWS conference noun пресс-конференция NEWS cinema кинотеатр хроникально-документальных фильмов ...
Англо-русский словарь
  file ext. abbr. Bitmap graphics (NeWS image file) non-prof. org. abbr. National Environment and Wildlife Society ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 14c., plural of new (n.) "new thing," from new (adj.) (q.v.); after Fr. nouvelles, used to render L. nova in Bible translations. Sometimes still regarded as plural, 17c.-19c. Meaning "tidings" is 15c.; newspaper is first attested 1670, though the thing itself is much older. Newsreel was first recorded 1916; newsletter is attested from 1674, but fell from use until it was revived 20c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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